We're off on holiday shortly with some members of my family, including my nieces and nephew, who are a bit older than my kids. I decided Edie (my 18 month old), should explain a bit about herself, so they know what to expect! (Really I just thought it would make them laugh - they're brilliant with her and she loves them to bits)
Edie here, since we're going to be roomies for the next couple of
weeks, I thought I ought to tell you a bit about me!
- I'm loud – sorry about that! If I'm yelling, it's usually because I want something (see points 2, 3, 4, 5) but can't communicate with you effectively. Just ignore me or get my mum or dad if you don't know what to do with me – Mummy says I am a 'rampaging Id', whatever the heck that means
- If you're eating, I'll want it, so be prepared to share or be screamed at if I see you eating (Mummy tends to hide from me if she wants a snack!)
- If you have a ball, I want it. That other ball? No good, I want the one you're playing with. Again, tell my mum or dad if I'm being annoying.
- You know that toy that I touched earlier? If you pick it up, I'll probably want it back. It's OK by my parents if you don't give it to me, because I can't always get what I want, but think about it carefully, because not giving it back to me will lead to point 1.
- If you value your possessions, don't leave them where I can reach them, because I won't be gentle with them. I love to play with DS's, game discs, phones, books, all sorts of stuff I'm not supposed to have, and I play rough. I also chew things. Mummy and Daddy will take anything off me I'm not allowed to have, but that usually leads me back to point 1
- I can reach higher than you think
- Twirywoos almost always works as a distraction. We have 2 DVDs with us, I hope someone has a DVD player, or mummy says we're screwed.
- If I hit you or bite you or hurt you in any way, even if it doesn't really hurt, feel free to say 'no, Edie that's naughty' in your sternest voice. I'll probably just ignore you, but it's worth a try, Mummy is really trying to stop me from being a bully. If I do cry, don't feel bad – you're helping to make me a decent human being, so it's all good.
- I'm faster than you think
- I like to 'help' with the dishwasher. Mummy will ask you to keep it properly closed, so I can't get stuff out by myself, but she's no fun really!
- 'Nummy' means dummy – you will probably hear this word a lot. Mummy is meant to be weaning me off my dummy, but she says that can wait until after holiday, otherwise all our ears will be bleeding by the end of week 1 (see point 1).
- I hope you like backwash, because I love sharing drinks :-D I am allowed to drink most things, just nothing fizzy (or alcoholic!)
- I get cranky mostly when I'm either tired or hungry (if I'm both then it's even worse). However, I like to resist naps as I think they're really boring. Mummy will try and make me nap so I'm happy and fun right through until bed time, but that might mean you listening to me whinge and Mummy swearing under her breath for a little while, until I finally give in and go to sleep. We'll try not to disturb you too much!
- I now like to tell people when I'm having a poo. Please alert one of my parents should this situation arise.
I know we're going to have the best holiday! If all else fails, just give me a biscuit ;-)"
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